Shadows gather around,
When the Sun on the Sky
Sinks under the Waves
Of the Endless Oceans.
Time has come for her
To rest, sleep and dream…
As the minstrel sings
Sweet lullaby to her soul.
The water is deep
A long way for her ahead,
But the Sun will rise
Once again…
The Fox was laid to rest
Under the guarding gaze
Of Great Mountains,
May they stand forever,
Watching over her.
There she lies,
Under sweet waters
Of the Lakes.
Her closed eyes,
Which once mirrored
Stars within night sky,
As cold water embraces.
Laid to rest under Tears,
Like the Sun, who sinks
under the ocean waves.
She too rests, under Lakes.
The sweet drops welcomed her,
It rained for her that day.
All who wept, seek refuge
Under her shining soul.