They knock, they knock…
We are sitting in silence.
The wolves at the gates.
They have arrived at last!
Wolves prowl before the gates,
lurking and sneaking about the walls.
Asking eventually for admittance.
At first, as they appear at our doorstep.
After, they demand! Amidst growls,
we shut it tight, keeping them out.
But they still encircle the walls.
Lurking in the shadows, they wait.
They have the time to observe,
to weary us out. But… we don’t.
We are short and feeble, outsiders,
not native to this land. Yet, we wait.
They still ask, and we answer!
Stand our grounds that we do!
So sounds the joint and loud no!
Then once again they demand…
Time’s on their side.
Faith has abandoned us.
Gods of this land frown.
But they judge us, play us.
And the wolves are just there.
Sometimes they disappear,
giving us small hope of yielding.
But they always return – ‘tis their game.
We are abandoned, forgotten!
No help comes! Yet, we wait.
Our numbers are dwindling…
Yet, we wait… for help must come!
And once it arrives… it arrived!
In sheep’s clothing they arrived.
And we opened the gates,
let them in and welcomed them!
With open arms…
and then they murdered us.
The sheep with bloody fangs!
They! The wolves at the gates…
Tricking us! And now we fall…
Fallen to their tricks and illusions.
Black magicks… or godly jokes.
We may not know it all.
Unsuspecting, yet fellable,
for we were desperate!
Awaiting help!
But it was just a game…
For the Gods of this land!
A joke, a trick…
A great laughter,